Personal Reviews is designed to answer common employee questions such as:​
Can I retire when I want to?
Am I on track to meet my goals?
Are my investments appropriate?
Do I need to increase my savings rate?
Did you recently attend a Personal Review with an ACG Planner? Please take our 60-second survey at the link at right.
How long does a Personal Review take to complete?Personal Reviews are designed as a two-step process. The first is a general discussion with the employee regarding their current standing, and any general questions they may have. At that time the employee will be asked to complete a financial profile after receiving a link from the advisor. When complete, the ACG advisor will generate feedback in the form of reports sent to the employee for review. A follow-up call or discussion will be offered at that time.
What specific areas of personal planning can ACG discuss?ACG is a registered fiduciary advisor licensed in all 50 states. We help individuals, families, and institutions manage their resources to achieve goals. This includes questions around investments, insurance, annuities, income planning, cash flow planning, tax-free retirement income, and basic estate plan assistance. We have been guiding families through their financial decisions for over 25 years.
How I sign up for a Personal Review?You can schedule a review with one of our planners directly or reach out via your HR representative. If you would prefer to set up a time directly to speak with a planner, please see the link below to meet our planners and view times available:
Do I need an introductory call with an advisor? Can I just go straight to the review?All employees are welcome to skip the introductory call and request a link directly from an ACG advisor. Upon completion of the information from the employee, the ACG advisor will schedule a time to follow up and review all results.
What kind of information will the Planner ask for?ACG will ask for relevant information such as your company Plan balance, or other balances you may wish to include. This includes information such as income, assets, or other relevant personal information. We never collect social security numbers and/or bank account numbers.
Are ACG Advisors available to meet in person with me?ACG representatives have the ability to meet with you in-person or virtually. If you are meeting with an ACG advisor for the first time, please be aware that a full review can not be completed with a single visit, start to finish. The purpose of the advisor's initial visit with an employee is usually to explain the process, answer some general questions, and provide you with direction and assistance while on site. The advisor will do their best to accommodate on-site requests where schedules permit.
What is the cost for a Personal Review?There is no cost to Personal Reviews for In-Plan employees. "Reviews" is included in your Plan relationship.
Will I have access to ongoing resources from ACG?As part of your Plan relationship with ACG, you will have access to ACG's online dashboard and planning portal. This portal allows for multiple account types to be linked to your profile. Once finished with their initial review, many of our Plan Participants use this portal to monitor other types of accounts and track their progress. You may link brokerage accounts, retirement plan accounts, IRAs, credit cards, & other types of financial accounts. ACG never asks for bank account numbers or social security numbers.
Is my information shared with my employer?Your personal information is never shared with your employer - it is 100% private.
How many meetings can I have with an ACG planner?While sessions are not formally limited in frequency, we find that two sessions annually is appropriate for most employees. If you would like to meet more often please let the advisor know and we can discuss your request in more detail.
What are the Components of Personal Reviews?

An overview of your investments.
Recommendations on your Plan

Plan Tracking​​​​
A snapshot of your financial track.
Retirement income scenarios.

Social Security Guidance​​​​
Breakeven estimates.
Social Security comparison estimates.*
Personal Reviews are complementary planning sessions offered through Advanced Capital Group (ACG), a Fiduciary advisor to the Mankato 401(k) Plan. As a current employee, you may schedule time with an ACG financial planner to discuss your current Plan balances, financial goals, or get answers to general questions regarding financial planning.
What are Mankato "Personal Reviews?"​​

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